October 2020 Newsletter
Workshops & Seminars
Therapy Dog Info Session
Contact: KSDT.TherapyDog@gmail.com
Date: Monday, October 5th at 8pm (Eastern Time)
Cost: Free
In-person Group Class
Free informational session about our Therapy Dog Program! *Humans Only Please*
Spots are limited, so please register by emailing: KSDT.TherapyDog@gmail.com
Body Language
Contact: Events@kathysanto.com
Date: Thursday, October 22nd at 8pm (Eastern Time)
Cost: Free For Students, $25 For Non-Students
Virtual Group Class
For humans to effectively communicate, we’ve devised an immense vocabulary, but dogs are limited to ‘words’ formed by their body parts. Because of this, the dog must re use “words” and depend on context and combination to form his “sentence”.
Understanding what your dog is saying is extremely important to prevent bites, fights, and miscommunications between dogs and humans, and dogs and dogs.
Please RSVP By Emailing: Events@KathySanto.com
Multi Dog Household Workshop
Contact: Events@kathysanto.com
Date: Thursday, October 29th at 8pm (Eastern Time)
Cost: Free For Students, $25 For Non-Students
Virtual Group Class
Thinking of getting another dog? Or, do you already have more than one? We’ll teach you our tried-and-true system for creating harmony in a multi dog household!
We’ll help you manage the dogs you have, and give you best ‘practice ideas’ before you get your next! We know that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Please RSVP By Emailing: Events@KathySanto.com
Canine Gym
Contact: KSDT.CanineGym@gmail.com
Date: Monday, October 12th & 26th at 6pm (Eastern Time) and Friday, October 16th at 1pm (Eastern Time)
Cost: 1 group class
In-person Group Class
Our Canine Gym classes are more than a workout routine or an obedience class.
It’s Fun. Dog. Fitness!
The combination of physical and mental exercise is absolutely critical to a well-balanced dog. We’ve known dogs who have been taken out for a long run and still come home bored and destructive. We also know dogs that get obedience training daily, but they don’t truly get the exercise they need.
The combination of both—brain and body exercise—is what will help you have a well-balanced relationship with your dog, and help prevent injuries! Come see what a strong bond, healthy body, and focused mind can do for your dog!
You’re welcome to join this class if you are a current student who has attended Canine Gym previously, or have your instructor’s permission.
*This workshop counts as a class out of your package.*
Space is limited, to register, please email: ksdt.caninegym@gmail.com
Dog Park Classes (Play Groups)
Contact: Events@kathysanto.com
Date: Friday, October 9th & October 23rd (and November 6th) from 6 – 9pm (Eastern Time)
Cost: 1 group class
In-person Group Class
The perfect combination of training and playtime!
We’ll teach you how to read your dog’s body language in real-time, so you’ll understand when a dog wants more interaction, and when he’s saying “no, thank you!” Knowing those signals gives you the ability to interrupt bad play, and encourage good, healthy interactions.
Registration is required, and groups will be formed based on the dog’s size and play style to ensure the best social climate for the dogs. You’ll be emailed your start time when you sign up.
Each class will be one hour between 6-9 PM, and count as a class out of your package.
Please put “Dog Park Class” in the subject line.
Prerequisites: Social dogs, who have trained a basic “here” and “place” command (can be beginner level).
Please RSVP By Emailing: Events@KathySanto.com
Pandemic Pups #4 - Prepping For The Future (Winter Edition)
Contact: Text us at 201-512-8316 to reserve your spot!
Date: Wednesday, October 28th at 8pm (Eastern Time)
Cost: Free For Students, $25 For Non-Students
Virtual Group Class
In the fourth installment of Pandemic Pups, we’ll help you get and STAY ahead of the game by going over the importance of prepping for colder weather with your pup! We’ll show you how to:
- Handle creating a D.P.A. – also known as the Designated Potty Area – so your pup doesn’t turn into a pup-sicle when trying to find a potty spot in the snow.
- Creative enrichment games to keep your puppy OR dog happy, and busy!
- How to implement structured walks to give you and your pup the most out of each walk.
- Fun indoor games and training ideas to keep your skills sharp, and your puppy or dog’s training intact!
- Training skills they MUST know to keep you – and them- safe!
Our goal is to make sure the transition from being outdoors during beautiful weather to indoors during “not so warm” weather is flawless! We’ll show you how to skip the trials and tribulations of ‘figuring it out’ BEFORE the colder weather hits, and set you up for success!
Text us at 201-512-8316 to reserve your spot!