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Short Nails By Summer! Our new nail trim program will take your dog from "talons" to "terrific" in just a few "short" months! So many dog owners are unaware that their dog needs regular nail trims! And if that doesn't...
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If you’re following the forecast, you’ve likely seen that they’re predicting extremely cold weather this weekend. 🥶 And while we as humans know how to bundle up and keep ourselves warm, some people aren’t sure what they can do for...
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This is the time of year when everyone makes resolutions, and “Finally Train The Dog” is definitely in the Top 10. The only problem is that you still have the same amount of time as you had LAST year (and...
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If your dog is on the guest list, have a game plan! One of my students asked me to help her write an email to send to all the guests who RSVP’d “Yes” to her annual holiday extravaganza. Here's what...
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How do I keep my dog from destroying our annual holiday decorations? We decorate our family room extensively, and every year he always chews something up, even when we’re home! The holidays can bring extra challenges to all relationships, not...
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