Intensive Board & Train

During your dog’s stay, we’ll train together multiple times per day, teaching basic obedience, socialization with other dogs, people and animals, and in some cases, work on behavior modification.

KSDT's Intensive Board & Train Program

Our unique Intensive Board & Train (IBT) program is one of our most popular offerings!

With thirty plus years as professional dog trainers, and having done thousands of IBT's over the years, we understand how beneficial it can be for dogs to live away from home to learn basic commands and manners in a professional environment.

While this may seem like a big change for your dog, that's precisely the point.

Our IBT program provides the perfect environment for dog (and puppy!) development.

By living with us, your dog experiences a proper lifestyle 24/7!

During your dog’s stay, we’ll train together multiple times per day, teaching basic obedience, socialization with other dogs, people and animals, and in some cases, work on behavior modification.

What sets us apart?

We believe that our system of training dogs is the best way to create a “no matter what” understanding of commands.

We’ve met hundreds of new students whose dogs have been through training, and the result has NOT been what they wanted. The biggest complaint they tell us is: “He (she) *only* obeys in specific - perfect! - situations.”

For example, the dog comes when called, in the house, with no distractions happening, IF the owner is holding a chicken nugget. 🙄 (Basically, NOT in the critical, chaotic moment when you need your dog to obey immediately!)

With *our* system, once your dog has learned commands in a quiet environment, we immediately bring the training ‘out and about’, with real world distractions such as dogs, public places, and new people.

This is a large part of why our IBT dogs succeed, and it’s also a missing piece of many similar programs.

Time and time again, we’ve seen the incredible benefits of incorporating a daily training routine, having positive interactions with our team of trainers and PlayCare members, going on field trips, and having exposure to other well trained dogs! The end result is a well-balanced dog, who’s developed good manners and command responses at a rapid pace.

Join Our Waitlist

The form below is ONLY for our Intensive Board & Train and Puppy Bootcamp programs. If you are looking to inquire about our regular boarding services (available for current students only), please email for more information.