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Thanksgiving dinner is a wonderful time for coming together with friends and family. But, it can also be a time when guests can’t resist sneaking food to your dog from the dinner table. And a time when your dog takes...
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Halloween is super fun for kids and their families. But for dogs, it can be a nightmare! Here are 9 tips to make sure your dog’s (and your!!) Halloween isn’t spooky: 1. Candy Is NOT For Pets. All forms of...
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My son just went off to college, leaving my husband and I with his five year-old dog. It’s only been two days, but I can see that the dog is very depressed that he’s gone. Actually, we all are. What can I do to cheer him up?

These are my “must do’s” with every puppy that comes into my life, and into my student’s lives. It was really, really HARD to just pick 10, so I may have to throw a bonus in at the end….

The holidays can bring extra challenges to all relationships, not the least of which involve canine members of the family. The big question is why your dog would choose the holiday as his time to explore his inner decorator.
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