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Life isn’t fair, and your dogs need to know that. Having different rules for different dogs might make you feel bad, but it’s a necessary evil. So, don’t let guilt ruin your dog training!

The one thing we always tell our students is to start slow. Don’t go right into forcing a nose-to-nose interaction between the dogs, making them play together right away, or making them share a really small space.

And yes, we understand. Sometimes, people let it happen because the puppy is small and cute, so when he jumps on you, he only reaches your ankles. But, unless you’ve adopted a small breed, that puppy is going to grow into a bigger dog, and one day, that jump is going to feel like a tackle. And by the time you realize that this is an issue, it will be way more difficult to train your best friend not to jump on you every time he wants to say hi!

Most of the time, the way people with their puppies makes them think that biting is encouraged! This is why you shouldn’t use your hands to play with your pup (you know the classic ‘hand under a blanket and pretend it’s a spider’ game…..). When you move towards your dog hands first, he’ll naturally think they’re toys and try to bite them. So, be proactive, and change how you play with your pup.