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- Paws Up: One of the easiest exercises, you can teach your dog or puppy to do “Paws Up”. You can also use this one exercise and add a few more variations to it, in order to make it a bit more challenging for medium-level dogs.

Food toys (especially puzzle ones) are a great way for puppies to get a brain and body workout. This is why your pup should start using them from a very young age. You can put your dog’s kibble in it, or peanut butter, or whatever snack your pup likes, and let him chew at it.

Adventure walks are a great way to help your puppy develop all the skills he needs to be a great adult dog.
And, the best thing about them, is that you can start them even before your puppy is fully vaccinated (although still check with your vet first).
This is because adventure walks are usually done in empty places, which means your canine best friend is less likely to pick up some sort of bug or illness. Just make sure to keep an eye on him and use common sense.

Life isn’t fair, and your dogs need to know that. Having different rules for different dogs might make you feel bad, but it’s a necessary evil. So, don’t let guilt ruin your dog training!